domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

cooperativa de ahorro y credito DE TODAS

On Thursday we visited la Cooperativa de ahorro y credito “De Todas” it was a very interesting visit, because I learned how this people started their own business with a little amount of money, and with the help of this cooperative.

This cooperativa works by giving them a credit of a 100dollars so they could start their little own business and they gave them a month to pay, when the month passes by they have to pay, then if they want to ask for another , they gave them a bigger credit and so one. That’s the way they help this woman so they can move on with their lives and be a better person and so they can provide food to their houses.

We interviewed 2 people,The first person we interviewed was Marisella Perez, she have 23 years and she live in Las Malbinas.they explain us how they started their own little business, after going through whole process of the Cooperativa.Marisellatold us whow she felt and she was very proud of her self , she told us that she could not believe that was capable of being productive and able to grow as a person and to help economically in their home, so she maximize this opportunity.
what motivates Marisella to keep in cooperative is that they are in contant capacitation where they teach them to be better women,anbd also values. her business is selling clothes, and she always pays their debt in the they that is given.

the second person we interviewed was Vanessa Burgos she feel very happyfor being part of this cooperativa, the reason why she invested in this cooperativa was because they provided her credit facilities, they give her capacitation to learn what bussines she can put. She knew this cooperativa along time ago, but she didnt become a partner inmediately. What motivates vanessa to continue in this cooperativa are her desires to become a better person and the capacitations she receive. She started with a bazar selling cell phone cards. now it has been able to buy a a copy machine and she also sells products by catalog.

well if i relate what i lived there with our clases i coulkd say that the people whow built and manages this types of intitutions, they could be and example of discourse because they are part of a community that likes to share their idea and to study a problem, in la Cooperativa i think that the problem is being solve by helping this laddies to be a better person asnd to move on why their lifes.